Volunteers Needed for YOU(th) Decide Underage Gambling Project

Prevention Works is looking for youth volunteers to help bring awareness about Underage Gambling in our community.

What is YOU(th) Decide?

Logo: YOU(th) Decide NYYOU(th) Decide NY was developed to empower teenaged youth (like you) to learn about the dangers of underage gambling and to share that knowledge with their peers, parents and communities.

Am I eligible to volunteer for YOU(th) Decide?

Good news! You can volunteer!

Why should I volunteer with YOU(th) Decide?

What will I be required to do as a volunteer?

As a YOU(th) Decide volunteer you will be asked to:

How can I sign up to be a volunteer?

  1. Fill out the Volunteer Form
  2. Talk to your parent or guardian
  3. Contact us! (716) 366-4623

Past Year Gambling Among United States Youth Ages 14–21

Chart: Sources & Locations of Alcohol Use

68% of American youth between the ages of 14 and 21 have gambled in the last year. Of those youth, 6.5% are at risk for or have already developed a gambling problem. Source: Welte, 2007