Get Help: Parents

Be a P.I.—A Parent Investigator

Photo: group of parentsWhether you think your child is using or you know it, you may have growing suspicions that your child is experimenting with alcohol or other drugs, something you’ve never had to deal with. There can be feelings of humiliation, perhaps thoughts that you are not a “good enough parent.” Don’t blame yourself, and don’t be afraid of what others may think. You can’t be too embarrassed to talk about your child’s alcohol or drug problem.

You need to get him help; no one else is going to do it. You are the person who can make the difference in this situation. It’s time to take action. As a parent, you are your child's biggest advocate!

If you suspect that your child might have a problem with alcohol, other drugs or gambling, contact Prevention Works at (716) 664-3608 or call The National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Referral Routing Service at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

Anyone of any age who is experiencing a personal, emotional or mental health crisis can call Chautauqua Crisis Services 24 hours a day: 1-800-724-0461.

Are They Too SMART to START?

Help prevent underage alcohol and other drug use. Learn why. Learn how. Take action now.

Too Smart to Start is a public education initiative with objectives to:

Prevention Works wants young people under the age of 21 to know:

How do we make sure our kids are too smart to start?


Logo: Parents Who Host Lose the Most. Don't be a party to teenage drinking. It's against the law.First, as parents, we educate ourselves. We become aware of all the accurate facts about alcohol and the other drugs our kids may be exposed to. We learn what is currently available in our communities and neighborhoods and schools. We become fully knowledgeable about the genuine consequences, both short and long term. We immerse ourselves in the knowledge of prevention so we know what puts our kids at risk for substance use and what helps to protect them from it.

We protect our children. We monitor and supervise them closely and with care. We get to know the friends of our children and their families, too. We learn about the best ways to parent, to communicate, to discipline, and also to provide the best opportunities and rewards while building lasting, positive connections with our children. We are present. We attend their events and get involved in all appropriate aspects of their lives.

We talk with our children early and often about the dangers of alcohol, underage drinking and other drug use. We make sure that young people understand positive ways to fit in, have fun, or deal with the pressures of growing up.

The Solution is Everybody’s Responsibility.

In the words of The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent and Reduce Underage Drinking, “Underage alcohol use is everybody’s problem-and its solution is everybody's responsibility.” Parents and other adults in the community have a responsibility and obligation to reduce risk factors and increase protective factors associated with underage alcohol and other drug use so that our young people truly will be Too SMART to START.