Women Gamblers

Did you know?

Photo: worried woman on payphone

The Warning Signs

A woman who gambles excessively—or is affected by a gambling problem in her family—can hide her problem well. But as someone who has face-to-face contact with a patient, customer or associate, you may be in a position to help.

Ask her if, in the last six months, she or someone cares about has ever...


Symptoms can include depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, elevated stress levels, failure to take prescribed medication, and a general decrease in health and vitality, as well as:

Help and Hope

If you suspect a problem, let the gambler know that recovery is possible, especially with the help of an experienced counselor. The gambler can regain control of her life. Relationships can heal. Financial pressures can be reduced and self-esteem restored.

Information provided by the Connecticut Women’s Problem Gambling Project.