Take It to the Box Campaign
Safe Use

- Read and follow all directions on medications
- Take the recommended dose, never more
Safe Storage
- Keep medicine secure and locked up
- Keep medicine in the original bottle
Safe Disposal
- Expired or unused medication can be disposed in the county at a drop box location site or in the home with the use of a disposal bag
Permanent Prescription Drop Box Sites
24/7 unless otherwise noted. For more information on drop box location sites or to pick up your free disposal bag or lock box contact (716) 366-4623 or (716) 664-3608.
- Free and anonymous
- No questions asked
- Liquids and sharps (needles) will not be accepted
City of Dunkirk Police Department
342 Central Ave.
Tops Pharmacy
3955 Vineyard Dr.
Rite Aid Pharmacy
1166 Central Ave.
The Chautauqua Center (Pharmacy 2nd Floor)
75 E. Third St. (M–Th 8am–7pm, F 8am–5pm)
Town of Ellicott Police Department
215 S. Work St. (M–F 8am–4pm)
Fredonia Police Department
9 Church St.
Concord Pharmacy
10220 Route 60 (M–F 9am–7pm, Sat 9am–4pm)
Rite Aid Pharmacy
3795 E. Main Rd.
Jamestown Police Department
201 East 2nd St.
CVS Pharmacy
19 S. Main St., Brooklyn Square
Tops Pharmacy
2000 Washington St.
Rite Aid Pharmacy
963 Fairmount Ave.
Rite Aid Pharmacy
50 S. Main St.
The Chautauqua Center (Pharmacy 1st Floor)
107 Institute St. (M–Th 8am–7pm, F 8am–5pm)
Lakewood/Busti Police Dept.
20 W. Summit St.
Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Office
15 E. Chautauqua St.
Silver Creek
Hanover Town Clerk Office
68 Hanover Road
Westfield Police Department
23 Elm St., Eason Hall
Additional Assistance
Contact NY Connects Aging & Disability Resource Center: (716) 753-4582 Mayville area, (716) 661-7582 Jamestown area, (716) 363-4582 Dunkirk area.
This project was supported in whole or in part by funding from NYS OASAS through SAMHSA’s Partnership for Success! Grant U79SP020707-04M001. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of SAMHSA or NYS OASAS.