I Know My Child is Using:
3. Set Limits

Setting Rules and Consequences

Kids want freedom. You don't want to be a nag. But when you've discovered drug or alcohol use, all bets are off. The time has come to set tighter limits and clear consequences.

Lay Down Rules

Rules provide a concrete way to help your kids understand what you expect and learn self-control. Don't just assume that they "know" you don't want them to drink or do drugs. Teens don't deal well with gray areas, so when they're offered alcohol or drugs, you don't want any confusion in their minds.

Set Firm Consequences

Setting firm consequences for when your rules are broken is actually a help to your teenager, making it clear what they are to do and not to do. (A no-use policy, for example.) And though it may not seem like it, rules are a way of showing you care.

Next step: 4. Monitor